Martes, Nobyembre 15, 2011

The 10 things that i need to do to enhance my community

  1. Clean up your community. Organize a group of family and friends and set aside one day a week or month to get together and pick up the litter and trash on the roadsides or beaches in your community. It doesn't have to be just your street that you clean up either. Take turns cleaning each other's streets or pick a different street or section of road each time. Just be sure to take proper safety precautions. 
  2. Give back to your community by volunteering. There are a lot of worthy causes, and they could be as simple as volunteering to coach the kid's neighborhood ball team, organizing a bake sale or fundraiser for someone that may be sick or needy in your community, volunteering at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen, or helping or visiting an elderly person who otherwise may not have any family to do so.
  3.  Organize a neighborhood watch in your community with your family, friends and neighbors. This will make the community safer for you and your neighbors, and give you a good opportunity to get to know your neighbors better.
  4.  Be active in your community by taking part in local activities such as church events, charities, town hall meetings, or community voting. If it affects you and your community, take part and voice your opinion.
  5.  Plan social activities in your community such as cookouts, ball games, barbecues, festivals, parades, or other annual events. This can be a great way to get people in the community involved by coming out and getting to know each other. It will also show any visitors to your community that it is a friendly and pleasant place to live. Set good examples
  6. . A great way to improve your community is not by concentrating on the faults of your neighbors but by setting a good example of behavior yourself. Be friendly and outgoing to your neighbors and keep your home clean, your trash picked up, and your yard mowed. Don't be overly loud or disruptive in the neighborhood.
  7.  Get involved in town/city government
  8. Volunteer at a local school, senior center, hospital or animal shelter
  9.  Start a freecycle group
  10.  Join or start a Common Security Club.

a.) Justify why should you be part of your community?

I as part of my community, I want to join a projects for my community organizing. for example if my community kept the see is instantly think to live here has combined educated and respect the environment. and I as a citizen of my community. I want to help to improve and mapasaayos ang aking community. to simulate We also to emulate the next can be use it as our own.

What is my role in my community?

My role in my community will contribute to fixing it and just dealing with my colleagues in my community. if you allow me to be leader of my community is first and foremost to do was to set me a lot of police guard here in our community because of that messy here in our community and offer many blows. and the next if I would have to plant lots of trees. Because little rain flood only been here in our area.

Describe your community

If I describe my community, my community is confused because many young people are constantly fight in the street, because many hanging here in our place so much unavoidable fight about all things. But the beauty of my community is also another person here who help with everything or problems in our community. but now is now slightly adjusts to us is because I here you now have another chairman who wants to fix our community.

Lunes, Nobyembre 7, 2011

Happy People

Filipinos are also happy people, always smiling and never forget to have a good laugh amidst the problems and hardships that come their ways. That's a big  difference with other race. 

Family Oriented

Filipino people are family oriented because they value greatly their families, which is always on top of their priorities. and they do all just to have time to be with their family to make bonding with them.

Love for Country

 Filipinos are Environment Friendly they are good for taking care of our environment. They don't let it destroyed or look like trash. They tend to plant trees for us not to have Flash Floods or other disasters. They don't let illegal loggers to cut trees.. Filipinos know how to recycle, dispose and to separate trash. Filipinos are responsible for that thing. Also they do it for us not to have sick because of our bad environment. And also for those tourist who are having vacation here in the Philippines. 


  Nationalism is an imperative of authentic development. We cannot have true development unless it promotes the common good and the national interest of our people. This means expressing a preference for things Filipino. This means having faith in our own capacity to accomplish our goals. Filipinos are very nationalism because even though they are on the other countries they bring our nationality and our authentic values their. They don't forget to share our learning's here in our Country. 


Before spaniards came we have a different religions in every regions of our country. when the spaniards came many of us become a Christian like me, but in phillipines we have many religions in our country like muslims, born-again,iglesia.. but in all religions we believe only one and it is "GOD" . Because Filipinos whether they belong to Christian or Muslim. They give interest  and respect , worshiped through singing or dancing. Together with their family members: mother, father, sister, brother, etc. And also one of the proof is when a Christian or Muslim family celebrates the first natal day of their family members they use to teach the young ones the values of their religions.
Filipinos whether they belong to Christian or Muslim. They give interest  and respect , worshiped through singing or dancing. Together with their family members: mother, father, sister, brother, etc. And also one of the proof is when a Christian or Muslim family celebrates the first natal day of their family members they use to teach the young ones the values of their religions.


 Epitomize the kind of faith every Filipino carries in the heart an assurance that the Divine Being watches over each and every one of us. and also  Filipinos are God-Fearing people. They don't forget to pray for they're sins, they don't forget to thank god when they receive's blessings, and also God who helps us to solve our problems. We know that God gives us challenges that he knows we can do it :) God don't give us challenges he know's we can't solve. That's why many Filipinos really Love and posses to God. They give they're life and soul to God. 


We filipinos have this values in thought and deed we filipinos can resist against cheating 
and lying and also we can trust each person because of this trait. A very positive character 
which foreigners can catch a trust easily on us :)


 Filipinos treat their visitors special. Sharing is seen in the Filipino way of life, but unfortunately, it is limited to one’s in-group, to which one has personal relationships. They are more Hospitable than to other people or Foreigners. One patent Filipino trait that immediately commends itself to the foreigner is hospitality.


Filipinos are always friendly with strangers or newcomers. They want the newcomer to feel at home or part of the group. They normally ask questions about a newcomer's background, which may be interpreted as being nosy at times. But it is just their way of having to "feel" the person, of having to "know" him in order for them to establish rapport. 

Hard working

All Filipinos are known as hardworking. To be able to buy foods for their family to eat and to give a shelter, and good way of living. No matter how hard it is. and also in studying Filipinos are giving all their best to finish their studies to be able to help their families. and to have a job that fits in their personality and their abilities.